Use IFTTT with Todoist

Available for

  • Beginner
  • Pro
  • Business

IFTTT (If This Then That) lets you create powerful connections (also known as "applets") among various kinds of apps and services, such as saving your completed tasks in Google Sheets, adding liked tweets as tasks in Todoist, or creating a new task when a GitHub issue is assigned to you.

Setting up the integration

  1. Open Todoist’s IFTTT Channel and activate it in your IFTTT account.
  2. Open an applet that you’d like to activate and click the Connect toggle.
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to create your IFTTT account.
  4. Once you’re done editing your applet, click Save.

Using the integration

Link your Todoist account with over 200 different channels including Pocket, Evernote, Facebook, Slack, Twitter, Fitbit, and many more.

Quick tip

You can now choose tasks from specific sections as the applet triggers, as well as make the IFTTT integration add new tasks to your selected projects and sections.


  1. Open the integrations tab.
  2. Click the X icon next to the IFTTT integration.
  3. Click OK to confirm. 

Unfortunately, this is a known limitation. IFTTT captures the new due date, rather than the due date as it was when the recurring task was completed. This would also happen if you complete a task before its due date on a regular or recurring task.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience. The team is looking for a solution for this limitation. 

Unfortunately, it is a current limitation of IFTTT infrastructure. It may take a while for tasks and notes to sync, e.g. when you add an applet to sync Evernote and Todoist activity.